Friday, August 17, 2012

Longer Walk when "Nature Calls"

When you are involved in a construction project, some days are..well....just crappy. One casuality of the excavation is our old sewer pipes. Broken pipes have, intermittently over the last few days, taken the Albright restrooms out of service. Luckily for those in need, restrooms are still available in the basement of the Children's Library.

This sign has gotten a lot of use lately.

You wouldn't want to cool off in this water.

New pipes mean everything will be alright in Albright.


  1. “New pipes mean everything will be alright in Albright.” Hehe, it can be one effective slogan for Albright. :) Anyway, is the installation of pipes already done? It’s best to conduct regular check-ups to monitor if there are bursts or leaks within the sewerage system.

    Darryl Iorio

  2. Yes, the installation of the pipes has been completed. We do indeed monitor for bursts and leaks on a regular basis.
